Subscriptions & Memberships

  • Basic Plan (1-49 Employees) $8000/yr

    The Basic Subscription is for organizations with 49 employees or less.

  • Bronze (50-149 Employees) $12000/yr

    The Bronze Subscription is for organizations with 50 to 149 employees.

  • Silver (150 -299 Employees) $15000/yr

    The Silver Subscription is for organizations with 150 to 299 employees.

  • Gold (300-499 Employees) $19000/yr

    The Gold Subscription is for organizations with 300 to 499 employees.

  • Gold PLUS (500 - 1000 Employees) $24000/yr

    This Gold PLUS Subscription is for organizations with 500 to 1000 employees.

  • Platinum (1001 - 2000 Employees) $30000/yr

    The Platinum Subscription Plan is for organizations with 1001 to 2000 employees.

  • Platinum PLUS (2001 - 3500 Employees) $40000/yr

    The Platinum Plus Subscription Plan is for organizations with 2001 to 3500 employees.

  • Individual Learning Plan ($4000.00/yr)

    The Individual Learning Plan is for individuals who are committed to lifelong learning, growth, and professional development.

Subscription Models